• Hacking (E-book)

Dominik Landwehr (ed.)

Hacking (E-book)
Edition Digital Culture 2

October 2014, 260 pages, 77 illustrations, softcover, 11 x 18 cm, German/English
eISBN 978-3-85616-654-0

Hacking (E-book)

Hacking as an art strategy

Why are Swiss media artists interested in hacking?

Projects ranging from ‹etoy›, ‹UBERMORGEN.COM›, ‹! Mediengruppe Bitnik› to ‹Hackteria›

Since computer technology became popularised thanks to PCs and the Internet, the strategy of hacking has had a particular fascination for media art. What is this? What messages do the artists convey through these projects? The second volume in the Edition Digital Culture series examines these questions.

A hack is actually a clever solution for a computer problem. Yet hacking also stands for creatively cracking a technology and its associated systems. A hackers want to do more than just follow given rules, he wants to change the very systems themselves, which makes the figure of the hacker and his actions both colourful and ambiguous.

With texts by Hannes Gassert, Verena Kuni, Claus Pias, Felix Stalder and Raffael Dörig.

Interessant und informativ, liefert ‹Hacking› Grundlagenwissen, Reflexionen und mehrere Beispiele von Kunst-Hacking-Gruppen, und: es regt zum Nachdenken an. Ein lesenwertes Buch. (Françoise Theis, ProgrammZeitung, 1.4.2015)