• Cuisine Mondiale
CHF 29.00 EUR 29,00

Atelier Mondial
Alexandra Stäheli (ed.)

Cuisine Mondiale
Ein künstlerisches Kochbuch / The Artists' Cookbook

June 2025, 152 pages, approx. 120 mainly colour illustrations, hardcover, 21 x 27 cm
ISBN 978-3-03969-038-1

CHF 29.00 EUR 29,00

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Cuisine Mondiale

The artworks and favourite dishes of 30 artists from 23 countries

Art and cooking in an intercultural dialogue

Art and cooking have much in common. They are linked by a delight in creativity, in experimental processes and in being together with others. Anyone who creates art or tries out a new dish often starts with an idea that can change considerably as the work progresses. The range of ingredients and the possible combinations are almost endless and address all our senses.

Cuisine Mondiale is an artistic-culinary tour du monde, through the world’s cooking pots. 30 artists from 23 countries present both their art and their favourite recipes, in which personal reminiscences and experiences are reflected. An encounter of a different kind with international contemporary art, and a lively insight into the Atelier Mondial, the oldest and largest exchange programme for artists in Switzerland.

Artworks, texts and recipes by Ighsaan Adams, Leonardo Bürgi, Sasha Filipenko, Sandra Knecht, Victoria Lomasko, Monica Studer/Christoph van den Berg, et al.